Creators You Should Know: Headless Hydra Press

At Storytellers Forge, we love to show appreciation to other creators we admire. If Headless Hydra Press is not on your radar, they should be. HHP is the brainchild of founder/owner Shane Collins, a truly kind, caring, and delightful human being in his own right. Shane and HHP provide a number of fun and original tools for your home TTRPG campaigns, and their latest offering is no different…

Villains & Villagers

Villains & Villagers is Headless Hydra’s latest offering. In this system-neutral book, your home game’s Storyteller will get access to a variety of unique NPCs along with a bevy of mix & match worldbuilding details. Have you ever been GMing a session only to have your players ask about an NPC in the world you never thought to create because you never fathomed they would actually care to interact with the town haberdasher? The answer is Yes, yes you have. We ALL have had that moment where we had to whip up an NPC on the fly because there is nothing more unpredictable than a group of TTRPG players.

Headless Hydra Press

So, don’t be caught off guard again. Maintain your Game Mastery dominance by clicking the link below to get a great GM tool and support some great people:

Villains & Villagers


Creators You Should Know… Geekly, Inc.


ST Forge: Top Down Encounter Design